Final Rule on Parole for International Start-Up Entrepreneurs 国际初创企业家假释最终规则发布,要不要申请?

The final rule is published on January 17, 2017, available online at Federal Register. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) encourages foreign entrepreneurs to create and develop start-up entities. This rule provides guidance on the use of advanced parole for international start-up entrepreneurs. If granted, parole would provide an initial stay of up to 30 months (2.5 years), and may be extended to an additional 30 months (2.5 years), the equivalent of 5 years. This rule is effective 180 days from the publication.

DHS retains discretion to grant parole on a case-by-case basis. The applicant must demonstrate that his or hers new start-up entity has significant potential for rapid growth and job creation. The parole applicant must demonstrate: (1) he has formed a new entity in the United States within the 5 years prior to filing of the parole application; (2) the applicant must possess at least 10 percent ownership interest, and has an active and central role in the business operation; and (3) the applicant must show the start-up entity has received investments of capital totaling $250,000 or more.

If parole is granted, the entrepreneur will be authorized for employment. If the parolee seeks an extension, he or she must continue to be an entrepreneur of the start-up entity, and must further validate the entity’s potential for rapid growth and job creation. The applicant can do so by showing additional substantial investments of capital, substantial and rapidly increasing revenue, or it created at least 5 full-time jobs.

美国移民局最终规则于2017年1月17日发布。副本可在联邦登记处在线获取 (Federal Register)。国土安全部(DHS)鼓励外国企业家创建和发展创业实体。该规则为国际初创企业家使用先遣假释提供了指导。如果获得批准,初始停留的假释将长达30个月(2.5年),并可延长至30个月(2.5年),相当于5年。此规则自出版之日起180天内会生效。

DHS保留根据具体情况授予假释的决定权。申请人必须证明他或她的新创办实体有快速增长和创造就业的巨大潜力。假释申请人必须证明:(1)他在提交假释申请之前5年内在美国成立了一个新实体; (2)申请人必须拥有至少10%的所有者权益,并在业务经营中发挥积极和核心作用;和(3)申请人必须证明启动实体已收到总额为250,000美元或以上的资本投资。


我有一些客户会问,为什么要假释不要走其他的道路拿绿卡呢。 原因在于:美国的全球征税政策。如果您符合美国实际居民定义,您就会被纳入全球征税的范围内。假定您在国内有1千万元的房地产出租,每年获得租金100万元。一旦您获得美国绿卡,国内收入就需要报税。这对很多中国的企业家来说都是很重的负担。


Author: Maya King

Attorney Maya King helps individuals, families, and businesses navigate the complex United States immigration system.

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