



对于很多人来说,公民入籍归化曾经是一个值得庆祝的欢乐时刻,表示着某个人顺利的融入美国生活,在法律的眼中,成为公民应该标志着与美国人完全平等。 移民根据其法律地位享有不同的权利,但公民身份应该赋予您对美国宪法的充分保护:投票权,在武装部队服役的权利,以及在您喜欢的地方生活的权利。但是现在规划入籍却成为了恐惧和怀疑的源流。



  • 有递解令在身的美国公民;
  • 有之前逃庭的美国公民;
  • 申请移民过程中有差异的美国公民;
  • 入籍时没有诚实说明犯罪记录的美国公民。





为了剥夺入籍美国人的公民身份,美国政府必须启动称为一个正式的除籍的过程,这样的司法程序只能在联邦法院进行。司法部必须在法院开始诉讼从而撤销某个人的美国国籍。 一个美国入籍公民的美国国籍可以通过民事诉讼程序或者刑事定罪而被撤销。


  1. 非法入籍,某个美国公民在没有入籍资格的情况下被错误的入籍;
  2. 在入籍程序中隐瞒或故意歪曲事实以获得公民身份;
  3. 成为颠覆团体的成员或附属团体;
  4. 通过兵役获得公民身份,但是过后在不光荣的条件下被军队解雇;
  5. 通过非法入籍的父母或配偶从而获得公民身份的受益人。



我们很难估计未来的两年之内有多少人会成为除籍目标。美国公民和移民服务局的主任 Francis Cissna 在接受采访时说他的机构正在招聘几十名律师和移民官员审查被驱逐出境并被怀疑使用假身份以便以后通过入籍获得绿卡和公民身份的移民案件。

Can You Lose Your U.S. Citizenship Through Denaturalization?

On January 5, 2018,  United States District Court for the District of New Jersey granted the U.S. government request to denaturalize Defendant Baljinder Singh a/k/a Davinder Singh. [Civil Action No. 17-7214 (SRC)]. Defendant had an in absentia deportation order from the United States under a different name than the one he used to secure his green card. He also failed to disclose his immigration records and alias on his N-400 naturalization application.

Recently, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identified a large amount of missing fingerprints in its centralized database, and some had undisclosed criminal records. DHS will continue to seek denaturalization of U.S. citizens who obtain citizenship unlawfully. The agency has stated its intention to refer approximately an additional 1,600 cases for prosecution. Natural-born U.S. citizens may not have their citizenship revoked against their will. However, it is different for naturalized citizens. It is rare for a naturalized U.S. citizen to have his or her citizenship revoked, but it does happen.

U.S. citizenship carries its value and importance and taking it away is never treated lightly. So how can the government take away your U.S. citizenship? In a denaturalization proceeding, the U.S. Government has a heavy burden of proof . The law provides for the denaturalization of U.S. citizens whose citizenship orders and certificates of naturalization were “illegally procured or were procured by concealment of a material fact or by willful misrepresentation.” The U.S. government must present “clear, unequivocal, and convincing” evidence justifying revocation of citizenship. The Supreme Court has enumerated four independent requirements for denaturalized:

  • The naturalized citizen must have misrepresented or concealed some fact;
  • The misrepresentation or concealment must have been willful;
  • The fact must have been material, and
  • The naturalized citizen must have procured citizenship as a result of the misrepresentation or concealment.

In short, citizenship could be taken away if the government can prove by clear and convincing evidence that Defendant procured citizenship through illegal means and willful misrepresentation.