


  1. H-1B 或 H-2B 签证,以及随行的家属;
  2. 实习生,访问学者互惠生或暑期工作旅行计划的范围内的 J 签证,以及随行家属;和
  3. L 签证,以及随行家属。



新公告立即生效直到2020年12月31日到期。这项禁令实际意义是什么? 我们建议所有拿着 OPT的,已经申请 H-1b 的小伙伴们目前不要出入境。如果这中间有衔接失误必须要到境外 stamping,也需要重修考虑是否值得返校修课指导明年开春为止。








  1. 在到达美国之前途径至少两个国家,或者在到达美国之前已在另一个国家中停留了至少14天。
  2. 曾经没有缴纳税款,迟缴税款或没有向国税局报告任何收入。
  3. 在申请庇护之前在美国非法停留一年以上的。
  4. 该提案还包括其他几项庇护标准。指示移民法官在决定是否准予庇护时,将一个人的非法入境美国的行为作为“重大不利因素”。
  5. 该提案还为宣布如果庇护申请的申请表被发现为“恶意造假”, 该申请人将永远不会在美国获得任何其他移民福利。

由于这些原因被拒绝庇护的个人仍然有资格获得《禁止酷刑公约》以内规定的保护 (Convention Against Torture) 或者驱逐令的延缓(withholding of removal)。但是,该提案也使得这两种形式的的胜诉概率难上加难。



川普政府还希望重新定义因“特定社会成员身份” (social group)或“政治见解” (political opinion)而受到迫害的含义。许多曾是 MS-13 或其他跨国犯罪组织的受害者的中美洲人以前曾因此而获得庇护。拟议的提案将取消反对帮派或恐怖组织有关的“特定社会团体”的庇护资格。该提案还将彻底禁止基于性别的庇护申请。即使是逃离伊斯兰国 (ISIS)手中的性奴役的妇女也不得辩称她们“由于性别而受到迫害”。




第一, 在边境寻求庇护的个人将不能进入全面的移民法院诉讼程序。取而代之的是,他们只能获得较狭窄的“仅庇护”法院程序。在这些程序中,即使他们有资格获得庇护以外的另一种形式的救济,也将不允许他们申请。

第二,该提案将允许法官在不进行听证会的情况下直接拒绝庇护申请。目前,法官必须允许庇护申请人就其案件出庭作证。但是根据新规定,法官可以宣布申请人没有在申请中提供足够的证据,并拒绝某人提供证据。对于没有律师的人而言,这一变化将尤其有害。也就是说如果您的案子没有足够的其实证据, 您将失去面试条件,从而导致案子直接被拒。


从6月15日星期一开始,人们将有30天的时间对提案做出评论(在此评论)。 30天的期限结束后,政府会在制定最终提案前考虑这些评论。 由于此过程可能非常漫长,因此该规则预计最早要到秋天才能生效。 如果这些提案规则生效,它们将代表我们所知道的庇护制度的终结。

Can’t Travel, Visa Expires, What Do I Do Now?

A lot of people stuck abroad have experienced panicking moments in the past two weeks when flights are cancelled and borders are closed due to the #COVID-19 shutdown. In March, 2020, the U.S. Department of State announced that immigrant (IV) and nonimmigrant visa (NIV) appointments at ALL Consulates are suspended due to coronavirus. Many countries are also restricting exiting and entering in order to control spread of the pandemic.
So what does this mean when my visa expires? 
These travel restrictions have made family unity and returning to work difficult, if not impossible. Employers are now in the dark with no specific return date for their valued employees and facing uncertainties as to their future needs. Since many visas have a maximum period allowed pursuant to regulation, consular officers do not have the authority to extend visa validity. However, the consular may be able to re-print a visa once travel becomes possible.
Consulates are able to re-issue a new visa provided that all supporting documents, such as police certificates, medical examinations, etc., have not expired. If the supporting documents have expired,  the applicant will be required to obtain new copies prior to the re-issuance of the new visa. Applicants will have to contact the consulate for the re-issuance and different consulate has different procedures. 
For people who are stuck in the U.S. either on valid visas or during grace period, but are not able to leave the U.S. to return to their home countries, options are also limited. Many have applied to extend or change their status using the Form I-539, but this also comes with a hefty fee. Others are banking on the fact that a brief overstay won’t be too problematic if it is limited to 180 days.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has filed a complaint against USCIS calling for the immediate suspension of immigration benefit deadlines and the maintenance of status for nonimmigrants in the U.S. in light of the pandemic, urging USCIS to extend its filing deadlines so that lawfully present foreign nationals in the United States can maintain status during the pandemic.
While we wait for the outcome of this lawsuit, we urge everyone to stay tuned and take care of yourselves. 

COVID 19 – Unemployment Benefits for Immigrant Workers

immigrant’s eligibility for unemployment benefits and consequences on green cards

Question: Do I, as an immigrant, qualify for unemployment benefits if the coronavirus (COVID-19) causes me losing my job?

Answer: Yes, however, immigrant workers must satisfy the same requirements for #unemployment. You must be unemployed due to no fault of your own, and you must have earned enough wages or worked enough hours in your “base period” to qualify. If you are currently employed or if you quit, then you are not eligible for unemployment benefits.  If your employer offers sick leave to address COVID-19 in lieu of layoffs, you cannot quit on your own volition to get unemployment benefits. If an employer shuts down operations temporarily and no work is available, you are eligible for unemployment.

Question: If I cannot go to work because I quarantined myself, can I get unemployment?

Answer: MaybeIf your employer allows you to work remotely and you choose not to accept that work, you are not qualify. If the employer requires you to stay home but did not offer work from home, then you might be eligible for benefits.

Question: How much is unemployment?

Answer: Depends on your state law and the reason why you cannot go to work. In addition, Pandemic Federal Unemployment Compensation  allows an additional  $600 on top of weekly unemployment benefits for up to four (4) months, not to exceed July 31, 2020.

Question: Does unemployment benefits hurt my green card #adjustment of status application in the future?

Answer: USCIS does not consider “unemployment” in the public charge inadmissibility determination because they are considered earned benefits through the person’s employment. Unemployment is a type of insurance that employers pay into. This isn’t taxpayer money, so it does not affect your green card.

Question: If I am undocumented, do I get #unemployment benefits?

Answer: If you are undocumented, chances are you do not have valid employment authorization or valid SSN, then you are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

Question: I applied for work authorization extension and have not yet received my new work card, can I get unemployment benefits?

Answer: If you have proof that you have applied for an extension, you might allowed to receive benefits. 

File unemployment with the Missouri Department of Labor here.

File unemployment with the Kansas Department of Labor here.

EAD Automatic Extensions for Six TPS-Countries

El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan TPS EAD extension

DHS is automatically extending TPS Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) validity listed for El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan through January 4, 2021. These EADs should have category code of A-12 or C-19. Read the automatic extension notice here.

What is TPS?

TPS is a temporary immigration benefit for certain countries suffering from on-going armed conflict, environmental disaster, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions. It allows qualified individuals in the U.S. to stay here for a limited time period as ordered by the President. 

What are my rights at work?

Persons covered by TPS can receive the Employment Authorization Documents (EAD). TPS workers, like everyone else, have the right to provide their choice of valid documentation to demonstrate their identity and work authorization. An employer that treats TPS workers differently in the employment eligibility verification process (Form I-9 and E-Verify) based on the worker’s citizenship status or national origin may violate anti-discrimination laws.

Blanket Extension

When the government extends a country’s TPS,  USCIS sometimes issues a blanket extension of all expiring EADs for that country, to allow time for USCIS to issue new EADs. Such extension can be found here. If USCIS automatically extends your EAD, you do not have to show an I-797C with your EAD to keep working. An employer should not  ask for additional documentation to prove employment eligibility.

Renewal Application

If the government does not issue a blanket extension for TPS EADs, a TPS worker can apply for a renewal EAD, the worker can present the current TPS EAD with the I-797C receipt notice showing that USCIS received the EAD renewal application. This document combination is valid for 180 days after the original EAD expiration date, and are valid for employment eligibility verification purposes. 

USCIS Announced New Online Tool Calculates Fees

USCIS has launched a new Online Fee Calculator to assist applicants calculating the correct fee amount when filing their forms with USCIS.

USCIS’ Online Fee Calculator will determine the exact filing and biometric fees an individual needs to include with their forms and will have the most up-to-date fee information. When using the Online Fee Calculator, applicants select a form, or combination of forms, and answer a series of questions. The tool then calculates the correct fee amount that the filer must submit.

USCIS accepts payment via check, money order, or credit card with Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions.

If you need assistance with immigration, feel free to contact us at 913-717-7112 for a free consultation.

Se requiere firma: si se está entregando su tarjeta verde, EAD o documento de viaje

Los solicitantes deben presentar una identificación para firmar sus documentos en el momento de la entrega.

USCIS anunció que comenzará a utilizar el servicio de entrega restringida de confirmación de firma del Servicio Postal de EE. UU. Para enviar tarjetas verdes y otros documentos seguros a partir del 30 de abril de 2018. Para rastrear la entrega de su tarjeta verde, autorización de empleo Document (EAD) y Travel Document, debe inscribirse en la administración de casos en línea del USCIS: https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do

Los solicitantes deben presentar una identificación para firmar sus documentos en el
momento de la entrega. Los solicitantes pueden inscribirse en la entrega informada de
USPS para recibir notificaciones de estado de entrega (https://informeddelivery.usps.com/). Los solicitantes también tendrán
la opción de organizar la recogida en una oficina de correos en una fecha y hora
conveniente yendo al sitio web de USPS y seleccionando “hold for

La primera consulta es gratis 913-800-1297. Estas lidiendo con un problema de inmigracion la abogada Maya King ayuda individuos, familiares, negocios, navejar el complejo sistema de inmigracion de los estados unidos. Las citas realizaran en persona o por telefono. Las citas en persona se realizaran ya en la oficina de Kansas City. 

USCIS: Nuevas reglas para las pruebas de ADN entre hermanos

USCIS actualizado su política con respecto a las pruebas directas de ADN hermano a hermano. Si el USCIS determinó que la evidencia primaria no está disponible o no es confiable, el USCIS puede sugerir y aceptar resultados de pruebas de ADN de un laboratorio acreditado por la Asociación Estadounidense de Bancos de Sangre (AABB) como evidencia de una relación de hermano completo o medio hermano. En estos casos, el USCIS considerará el ADN junto con toda la evidencia registrada para determinar si existe la relación requerida.

Una relación entre hermanos requiere que el peticionario y el beneficiario sean, o hayan sido, hijos de al menos un padre común. La evidencia primaria incluye certificados de nacimiento y matrimonio. La evidencia secundaria incluye registros médicos, registros escolares y documentos religiosos. Las declaraciones juradas hechas por personas que estaban viviendo en el momento de y que tienen conocimiento personal del evento al que dan fe también pueden ser aceptadas si se cumplen ciertas condiciones.

USCIS considerará los resultados de las pruebas de ADN realizadas por un laboratorio acreditado por AABB que reflejen una probabilidad del 90 por ciento o más de que exista una relación de hermanos completos o medios hermanos como evidencia probatoria de la relación reclamada. Debido a las variaciones dentro de los resultados de la prueba de relación entre hermanos, cualquier resultado para un hermano medio por debajo del 90 por ciento se considerará no concluyente. Cuando un resultado no es concluyente, un oficial debe continuar evaluando la evidencia restante en la totalidad de las circunstancias. En la medida de lo posible, se recomienda realizar pruebas de ADN en contra de los padres comunes.

La primera consulta es gratis 913-800-1297